Reality check: Reality tales of family expenditure


A woman in the city went one morning to her husband’s office to report him to his boss. She told her husband’s boss how her husband usually squandered his N60,000 salary and only gave her N30,000 for upkeep. 

After her narration, the boss told her to come back on the last day of the month. 

On the set day, she arrived as planned. The boss called the husband and they all sat down in the boss’ office.

The boss started,’ Mr. Mike, you wife reported to me some days ago that you squander your salary outside and only give the family N30,000 for upkeep. So right now, I’m going to personally hand over your salaries to her from today henceforth.’

‘How much is you transportation to work daily?’, the boss asked.

‘N900 sir’, Mr. Mike replied.

The boss handed over N19,800 to Mr. Mike. ‘That should take you for 22 days’.

‘Do you take breakfast at home?’, the boss continued.

‘No sir, I leave home very early to beat traffic jam’.

‘How much do you spend on breakfast and lunch daily?’

‘N500 sir’,replied Mr. Mike.

The boss handed over N11,000 to Mr. Mike.

‘Who pays the children’s school fees’, the boss asked facing Mrs. Mike.

‘He does’, she replied pointing at Mr. Mike.

‘How much is the school fees and how many kids have you?’

‘N30,000 per term for the two kids we have?’

‘In other words, you save N10,000 monthly for each term’s school fees right?’

‘Yes sir’, replied Mr. Mike.

Once again, the boss handed N10,000 to him.

‘Who pays the rent and how much is it?’

‘I do sir. The rent is N36,000 per annum.’ Mr. Mike replied.

‘That’s N3,000 monthly right?’, the boss added as he handed over N3,000 to Mr. Mike.

‘I don’t want to ask about clothings, electricity bills,etc as I know both of you might be handling that’, the boss said as he handed over N16,200 to Mrs. Mike.

‘What’s this for sir’, Mrs. Mike asked surprised.

‘Money for upkeep’, the boss replied her.

‘But it wouldn’t take us anywhere’, she exclaimed.

‘So why don’t you appreciate the N30, 000 your husband sacrifices for you monthly’, the boss asked. The woman hugged her husband tightly and the rest is history.

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