Thoughtful thoughts: Sarcasm from the ANT


Ant wey carry belle….. *pregnANT*

Ant wey join military… *lieutenANT*

Ant wey dey do amebo….. *informANT*

Ant wey dey assist oga…. *assistANT*

Ant wey dey attack people… *assailANT*

Ant way cool….. *coolANT*

Even Ant pikin come be *InfANT* …

Ant wey dey serve…… *servANT*

Ant wey no dey agree with anybody …. *AdamANT*

Ant wey dey smell good …… *DeodorANT* .

Ant wey dey block person… *ANTagonist*

Ant wey sabi stuff… *conversANT*

Ant wey dey make you vex or uncomfortable…… *irritANT*

The ant wey old pass time – *ANTiquated*

Sister to Antiquated – *ANTiquity* .

Chemical stuff used by ants – *ANTiseptic* .

And the one wey dey stay from him country… *immigrANT* .

The one that elope… *ANTilope*

The one that doesn’t like church…. *ANTichrist*

The one wey de do illegal things. *miscreANT*

The one wey de do farm work. – *peasANT*

The one wey everybody likes. *pleasANT*

The money wey ant give to help people *grANT*

The one wey they kill germs *ANTibiotics*

The one wey make T.V clear . *ANTenna*

The one wey dey go against people *ANTagonist*

The one wey get acid for body . *ANTacid*

The cloth wey them they first wear – *pANT*

The name he dey call hin sister *ANTimi*

Ant wey sabi book…. *brilliANT*

Ant wey sabi Accounting…. *accountANT*

Ant wey dey feel too big…. *arrogANT*

Ant wey tall…. *GiANT*

Ant wey dey live for person house…. *TenANT*

Ant wey sabi fight too much – *combatANT*

Ant wey big pass other animals – *ElephANT*

Ant wey go battle go win – *TriumphANT*

Ant wey dem no fit start meeting unless dem see am – *ImportANT*

Ant wet get fine place where dem dey sell better food – *tANTalizer*

ant wey too dey misbehave – *deviANT* 

ant wey hold im side wella for pocket – *buoyANT*.

Ant wey happy well well *exuberANT* and *jubilANT* 

This is a journey in *ANTethology* of the ANT.

Happy lock down! Na Corona virus cause am!

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